Jewish e-learning platform & without walls community run by educators and professionals from around the world
What is Migdal?
Environment for sharing Jewish knowledge and best practices, organizing meetings and workshops online developing online community tool for collaboration and discussion
Our goal
No matter where they are located, users of the platform will stay connected and be a part of no-walls online Jewish community.
“One-click to it all”
Collect courses and create your own library of materials. Always accessible, securely stored, on-demand
Enjoy well-curated materials, produced by communities and brought to their members as single point of access
“One-click to it all”
Create your own learning community. Get insights, learn more about your peers. Share your knowledge - become a mentor, share your community experiences
Course is over, you’re still in. Your educators are always there for you. Easy communication tool for educators and learners.
We're seeking your support!
Support for IT engineering: from prototype to working platform
Course creation: we’re searching for partners, Jewish professionals to be involved. Let’s brainstorm!